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Making Understanding Medical Jargon Simple!


Making Understanding Medical Jargon Simple

(30-minute and 1-Hour Consultations)

Image by Emma Matthews Digital Content P

WBD Wellness Consultations

To schedule a 30-minute or 1-hour consultation please provide the information below, 

If you have ever experienced confusion following a medical consultation regarding your health condition, rest assured that you are not alone. Fortunately, there is a viable solution that can assist you in understanding medical terms and enhance your knowledge of your physical well-being. Dr. Larona Gore offers consultations that are tailored to provide layman explanations of X-ray reports and health conditions in a non-intimidating environment, with the goal of strengthening your relationship with your healthcare provider. To obtain further information, kindly contact us at 1-888-533-3203. We also offer evening appointments and flexible payment options for your convenience.

WBD Consultation Intake Form

Thanks for submitting! Dr. Gore will contact you soon!

WBD Consultation Intake Form

Consulting Liability Waiver

Wellness By Design Liability Waiver
Do you understand that all Wellness By Design consultations with Dr. Larona Gore via telephone, video, and or in person may be recorded for qualit purposes?
Please confirm that you understand the following statement: The information translated by Dr. Larona Gore is solely for educational purposes and is not meant to diagnose or treat your health condition, nor is it intended to it replace or interfere with the medical treatment protocol provided by your doctor.
Please confirm that you understand the following statement: Dr. Larona Gore strongly recommends that you share any information she shares with you or teaches you with your doctor(s). Doing so can help you build better relationships with your doctors and become a more informed patient who can make better decisions about your health.

Thanks for submitting!

The overall goal of the WBD wellness programs is to help provide clients and/or patients with the tools, resources, and support needed to help them turn their wellness goals into a lifestyle. After completion of this plan, ongoing support is always available if needed through additional assessments and follow-up appointments via telephone and or office visits to ensure ongoing success.

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